Our Vision and Purpose

Our vision is to encourage members of the Pine Valley Church of Christ to seek and save the lost while building love with each other using the Bible as our guide.

Our purpose is threefold:

  • We are “reaching upward” to magnify God's name
  • We are “reaching inward” to help bring people to grounded membership and to maturity in the body of Christ
  • We are “reaching Outward” through ministry in order to be part of God‘s mission to go into the entire world.


The Pine Valley Church of Christ is currently seeking a full-time Minister to succeed our exiting Minister who plans to retire at the end of 2026. Our goal is to have this individual join and work full-time alongside our existing minister by the fall of 2025, thus ensuring overlap and a smooth transition. Candidates must have preaching skills with sermons having a clear relevant application; a genuine love for people with the desire and skills to evangelize and willing to work with the leadership team to create a cohesive message both to the congregation and to the community. We desire a minister and his family that is seasoned and passionate for Christ while setting a positive example in his home life for others to emulate. See Details